Dori – Her story, up to 49
For this content a transcript is available in English
Chiara has always been Chiara as she is now. She sat me down with so much love, asked me what my name was; then she realized who I was and started talking to me right away. I can’t tell you what she said to me, and I don’t even know if I stayed a quarter of an hour or two hours with her. I don’t know. All I know is that she talked to me…. Certainly she must have told me that God loves me immensely, that God is Love, that He is the sum of all loves. But more than having told me, she made me feel it, with her soul, which was already full of the charisma we feel today.
So I walked out of that room with my soul – upset, but upset in a good way, that is, changed, turned upside down, I would like to say. And I walked from his house to my house (which was not very far away) all in a rush, with inside my soul the feeling that all creation around me was at my service, that in the sky there was the sun because it was for me, that there was the earth, that there were the stones, that there was the road that supported me, that the Father in heaven, God Love, supported me as a mother supports a child taking its first steps.